Latest news
Epec Introduces SL8X Control Unit for Advanced Machine Applications
Technology company Epec introduces the SL8X Control Unit, a high-performance platform designed to meet the demanding requirements of off-highway machines and non-road vehicles. With real-time control, functional safety, and exceptional flexibility, the SL8X is an...
Epec was awarded the Finnish Industrial Act of the Year 2024 recognition
The national recognition that raises the importance and appreciation of the industry was awarded in conjunction with the Alihankinta 2024 event in Tampere on October 2. With the national Industrial Achievement of the Year recognition, we want to emphasize the...
New releases of Epec MultiTool Creator and MultiTool Simulator
Epec has released the latest MultiTool Creator 8.0 and MultiTool Simulator 1.4.37 SW packages. There are several attractive new features in MTC 8.0: Now it is possible to have several machine types in one project. MTC projects have different machine type related...
Epec releases 6510 Display Unit
Epec releases 6510 Display Unit Epec’s display product portfolio has increased with a new widescreen 10” HMI. Epec 6510 Display Unit is a powerful and durable programmable display for various machine applications. 6510 has excellent optical performance, direct...
Ponsse group technology company Epec opens a responsible and smart factory
Epec Oy’s new smart electronics factory aims for carbon neutrality and uses responsible manufacturing processes. The Finnish technology company Epec opens a new smart and environmentally friendly Epec Smart Factory 1 (ESF1) in Seinäjoki, Finland. The factory produces,...
Epec acquires Bram Engineers from the Netherlands to strengthen software development, systems engineering services and product offering in Europe
Finnish technology company Epec Oy has acquired the Dutch Bram Engineers B.V. The companies have signed an agreement according to which the company will be acquired by Epec as of 1st November 2023. The background of this acquisition is in a long-term partnership...
Launch event to kick off FORWARD’27 programme
Epec and Ponsse have embarked on the FORWARD’27 ecosystem programme, which targets the research and development of sustainable off-road vehicles and solutions. FORWARD’27 is a joint programme of Ponsse’s and Epec. It was granted EUR 10 million funding by Business...
Epec releases a high-quality display designed for demanding conditions
Technology company Epec releases Epec Display Unit 6807. Epec 6807 display is engineered to withstand challenging conditions that are commonly encountered in NRMM applications. The display’s advantages are easy integration into different machine types with its...
Epec Introduces GC44 Responder Unit for Centralized Control Systems
Epec, a leading provider of innovative control systems, announces the release of GC44 Responder Unit. This new product is designed to provide centralized control system architectures with a high level of flexibility and scalability. The GC44 Responder Unit is designed...
Ponsse and Epec to receive the Finnish Society of Automation’s Automation Prize 2023 for PONSSE EV1 technology concept
Ponsse’s and Epec’s technology concept PONSSE EV1 has been rewarded with Finnish Society of Automation’s Automation prize. The prize is given every two years by society to reward significant research and development work done in the field of automation. PONSSE EV1 is...
Business Finland funding boosts product development of Ponsse and Epec
Forest machine manufacturer Ponsse and technology company Epec believe that the emissions and environmental impact of mobile work machines can be significantly reduced with new technology. In the field of mobile work machines, there are several development targets...
Epec launches a virtual testing environment and renews all development software products
Epec launches Epec MultiTool Simulator (MTS), a virtual testing environment for Epec control systems. With MultiTool Simulator, the machine and commercial vehicle manufacturers are able to speed up their machine application development process. MTS accelerates the...
Epec’s upcoming advanced electronic control unit products to be presented in CONEXPO-CON/AGG
Epec will present at CONEXPO-CON/AGG, a set of advanced electronic control units to support the OEM’s growing need for high-performance systems. Machines and vehicles are getting increasingly electronics- and software-driven and OEM customers are improving safety,...
Epec, a Ponsse group technology company, responds to the accelerating technology boom by recruiting a number of talented people
The mobile machinery and commercial vehicles sector is currently undergoing the biggest technological revolution in its history. New energy solutions such as electrification and hydrogen technology, driver assistance systems and autonomous functions, data...
Epec expands to North America
Press release 5.1.2023 Finnish technology company Epec opens a new office in Milwaukee, USA, to provide a collaborative setting for customers in North America. Customers can engage with Epec experts to solve electronics, controls and software design, engineering and...
Epec builds a responsible and smart factory
Epec invests in a responsible new electronics factory in Seinäjoki Finland, aiming for carbon neutrality. Finnish technology company Epec is building a new smart and sustainable factory in Seinäjoki, Finland. ESF1 (Epec Smart Factory 1) will include a three-story...
Epec Releases SDK 4.7 and MultiTool 7.5
Epec SDK 4.7 and MultiTool 7.5 are now available Epec has released the latest SDK 4.7 and Epec MultiTool 7.5. There are several improvements in the latest SDK for example an easier way to adjust the non-volatile memory areas, support for xdd and xdc file formats and...
Epec launches Epec Flow for electric and hybrid-electric mobile machines and commercial vehicles
Finnish technology company Epec launches its electromobility offering under the name Epec Flow. Epec Flow is a comprehensive and customizable solution for electrifying non-road mobile machines and commercial vehicles and optimizing their performance and improving...
Epec launches Epec EC44 Agri Control Unit for Agriculture Implements
Finnish technology company Epec launches EC44 Agri Control Unit with ISOBUS communication support for agriculture implements. Epec provides all the needed hardware and software for ISOBUS implement or gateway development. ISOBUS Benefits ISOBUS brings plug-and-play...
Epec Releases SDK 4.5
Epec SDK 4.5 is now available Epec has released the latest SDK 4.5 and Epec MultiTool 7.3. There are several new features such as improved CODESYS 3.5 component installation process and the possibility to save slave device configuration in order to speed up machine...
Epec Strengthens Collaboration with HydraForce Especially in North American Market
HydraForce, Inc., a company specializing in off-highway motion control system design and manufacturing, and Epec Oy (Ltd.), a company specializing in mobile electronic controls and mobile electric vehicle technologies, have renewed their partnership agreement....
Ponsse ja Epec perustavat tuotekehitysyksikön Turkuun
Ponsse ja Epec perustavat yhdessä Turkuun tuotekehitysyksikön, joka keskittyy liikkuvien työkoneiden ohjelmisto- ja automaatiosuunnitteluun, avustaviin ja autonomisiin järjestelmiin sekä sähköisen voimansiirron järjestelmiin. Tavoitteena on varmistaa ohjelmisto- ja...
Ponssen teknologiayhtiö Epec laajentaa toimintaansa – laajalla rekrytointikampanjalla haetaan osaajia teknologia-alan asiantuntijatehtäviin
Ponsse-konsernin teknologiayhtiö Epec on vahvan kasvun keskellä. Yhtiö panostaa tuotekehitykseen ja teknologia-alan huippuosaamisen kasvattamiseen, jonka mukaisesti yhtiö kasvattaa myös henkilöstömääräänsä. Epec Oy hakee yli 20 ohjelmisto- ja elektroniikka-alan...
Epec presents several new features to it’s software development environment
Epec SDK 4.4 is now available Epec has released the latest SDK 4.4 and Epec MultiTool 7.2. There are plenty of new features and smaller improvements such as CANmoon I/O diagnostics, support for extension modules of CANopen slave units and added DO diagnostics in the...
Epec releases the Edge solution for Epec 6200 products
Release of the Epec Edge solution Epec releases the Edge solution for Epec 6200 products. Epec Edge solution is based on Microsoft Azure IoT Edge platform with some Epec extensions to make it easy and fast to integrate machine control system with the customer’s Azure...
Epec is developing future solutions together with Nokia and Sandvik in the Next Generation Mining project
As the industry's leading system supplier, Epec is developing future solutions together with Nokia and Sandvik in the Next Generation Mining project. The goal of the project is to build Proof of Concept (PoC) experimental systems to evaluate integrated connectivity...
Epec Releases SDK 4.2
Release of Epec SDK 4.2 Epec has released a new SDK 4.2 including Epec MultiTool 7.0. This SDK introduces several new features and improvements such as support for 3rd party CANopen slaves, controller change in MultiTool project, new I/O library for non-safety...
Epec Launches Azure IoT Edge Capable Device for Off-highway and Commercial Vehicles
According to Berg Insight estimation the global installed base of active off-highway vehicle telematics systems reached 4.4 million units in 2019 and is forecasted to double by 2024 reaching 9.0 million across all segments. Many off-highway equipment...
Epec Newsletter 1/2021 is now available
Epec releases the new SDK 4.1
Release of Epec SDK 4.1 Epec has released a new SDK 4.1 including Epec MultiTool 6.9. This SDK introduces, for example, support for ISOBUS AUX-N function, NMEA 2000 update and an updated CANopen library. Please check Epec SDK 4.1 highlights. 6000 and X series has new...
Ponssen teknologiayhtiö Epec laajentaa toimintaansa – laajat rekrytoinnit liikkeelle tänään
Ponsse-konserniin kuuluva seinäjokelainen teknologiayhtiö Epec laajentaa toimintaansa. Yhtiö julkaisi tänään kasvutavoitteensa, jonka mukaisesti yhtiö kasvattaa myös henkilöstömääräänsä. Epec Oy hakee yhteensä 19 ohjelmisto- ja elektroniikka-alan asiantuntijaa. -...
Epec – One more release note for year 2020
Release of Epec SDK 4.0 Epec has released the last SDK of this year. The SDK 4.0 including Epec MultiTool 6.8 has support for the recently released Epec 6505 Display Unit and updates for 3000/4000 series control unit products and Epec GL84 CANopen slave. MultiTool 6.8...
Epec Newsletter 4/2020 is now available
Ponsse Group technology company Epec Oy presents prototype of Power Distribution Unit for NRMM and commercial vehicles electric powertrain
Epec has developed Power Distribution Unit (PDU) for mobile machine electric powertrain traction voltage applications. PDU distributes and connects electric vehicle traction voltage components for example batteries, motors through inverters and other components...
Epec releases WLAN variant of 6112 Display Unit
Epec’s connected display portfolio now includes a WLAN variant of the 12.1 inch display, 6112. Epec 6112 Display Unit is a rugged high performance 12” embedded display for various mobile machines when there is a need for a bigger HMI. The 6112 has an industrial grade...
Epec Oy releases compact, robust and affordable 5” display for various machine applications
Epec releases 6505 Display Unit and Epec SDK 3.9 6505 Display Unit Epec’s display product portfolio has increased with a new affordable and versatile 5” HMI. Epec 6505 is a compact, robust and powerful programmable display for various machine applications. Display...
Epec releases SL84 Safety Control Unit
The Epec functional safety control unit family has broadened with the new affordable Safety Controller SL84. Epec SL84 is a general purpose controller intended for typical machine safety functions, for example, prevention of unexpected movement or safety related stop...
Epec palkittiin vuoden 2020 digitaalisena eteläpohjalaisyrityksenä – Epec was awarded the 2020 Digital South Ostrobothnia Company
Etelä-Pohjanmaan Kauppakamarin ICT-valiokunta on kuutena vuotena peräkkäin valinnut ja palkinnut vuoden digitaalisen eteläpohjalaisyrityksen Etelä-Pohjanmaan kauppakamarin syyskokouksessa yleisöltä tulleiden ilmiantojen joukosta. Tarkoituksena on nostaa esille hyviä...
Epec releases the new SDK 3.8
The new Epec SDK 3.8 can be downloaded from Epec´s extranet. Epec MultiTool has several new features including, for example, a completely new Epec CANopen slave support, added sheet for Address claiming, new library parameter manager and the possibility to clone a...
Epec Newsletter 3/2020 is now available
Epec Newsletter 2/2020 is now available
Read the latest Epec Newsletter! Epec Newsletter 02_2020
Seinäjoen teknologiapalkinto 2020 Epecille
Seinäjoen teknologiapalkinnon saa vuonna 2020 Epec Oy. Epec Oy suunnittelee ja valmistaa älykkäitä koneenohjausjärjestelmiä vaativissa olosuhteissa toimiviin liikkuviin työkoneisiin. - Epec Oy on alansa edelläkävijä, joka on kyennyt vastaamaan asiakastarpeisiin ja...
Epec releases a 4G/LTE version of the Epec 6200 Remote Access Unit
Epec has released a new Remote Access Unit (RAU) version with 4G/LTE, WLAN connectivity and GNSS receiver. The wired communication of 6200 has up to six CAN buses and two Ethernets. 6200 RAU has global 4G/LTE band coverage, meaning that the same product can operate...
Epec Newsletter 1/2020 is now available
Read the latest Epec newsletter! Epec Newsletter 01_2020
Epec Newsletter 4/2019 is now available
Read the latest Epec newsletter Epec Newsletter 04_2019 Epec Newsletter 04_2019
Epec Newsletter 3/2019 is now available
Read the latest Epec newsletter Epec Newsletter 03_2019
Epec’s new organizational structure
In response to business growth, Epec is restructuring its organization as follows: Epec's management team (from 12th August 2019):
Epec Newsletter 2/2019 is now available
Read the latest Epec newsletter Epec Newsletter 02_2019
Epec & Wapice: Scalable IoT solution for machine control systems
Wapice and Epec have together created an intelligent, comprehensive and scalable IoT solution for machine control systems. Built on Wapice's IoT-TICKET® platform, the cloud-based solution is designed to allow Epec customers to make and customize applications to meet...