by Johanna Korpela | Mar 11, 2021 | Data, nosto | controlsystemexperts, epec, whitepaper
The world is full of different connectors. Connectors are available in many different shapes, sizes, materials and colors. It might seem that selecting a connector system to suit perfectly in the intended application is a trivial task. But there is a lot more to it....
by Johanna Korpela | Nov 11, 2020 | news | controlsystemexperts, finnishtechnology, seinäjoki, yourchallengeourinspiration
Etelä-Pohjanmaan Kauppakamarin ICT-valiokunta on kuutena vuotena peräkkäin valinnut ja palkinnut vuoden digitaalisen eteläpohjalaisyrityksen Etelä-Pohjanmaan kauppakamarin syyskokouksessa yleisöltä tulleiden ilmiantojen joukosta. Tarkoituksena on nostaa esille hyviä...
by Johanna Korpela | Apr 23, 2020 | news | controlsystemexperts, finnishtechnology, seinäjoki, yourchallengeourinspiration
Seinäjoen teknologiapalkinnon saa vuonna 2020 Epec Oy. Epec Oy suunnittelee ja valmistaa älykkäitä koneenohjausjärjestelmiä vaativissa olosuhteissa toimiviin liikkuviin työkoneisiin. – Epec Oy on alansa edelläkävijä, joka on kyennyt vastaamaan asiakastarpeisiin...
by Johanna Korpela | Jan 27, 2020 | Data, nosto | controlsystemexperts, employeehighlight, epecteam
In 2010, Epec was recruiting people for roles in product development and project services. Kimmo applied for a position in product development, but eventually ended up working as a project manager in project services. Previously, Kimmo had been working with mobile...
by Johanna Korpela | Jan 13, 2020 | Data, nosto | controlsystemexperts, employeehighlight, epecteam
Mikko was born in Pori, but moved to Espoo at a young age. He studied automation engineering at EVTEK University of Applied Sciences, and after his studies were complete, he wondered where to settle and work. Together with his spouse who’s from Ilmajoki, they decided...