At Epec, our existing values were reviewed more closely. We wanted to make sure that our values were genuine, that they actually correspond to our feelings and that they guide our everyday work. The whole staff got to ponder some big questions: “What do our customers value?”, “What makes the Epec spirit?” and “What type of slogan would represent the essence of Epec?”. The founder of Epec, Veikko Rintamäki, gave us his view on where this passionate approach to control system solutions began and why the spark still continues to grow brighter. Similarly, our customers told us what in their opinion makes Epec special and what they considered our strengths.
Based on these pieces of information, we identified the four values behind Epec’s operations and business culture: Reliability, Innovation, Agility and Passion.
For Epec, Reliability means the uncompromising quality in our products and services. Our products are created to function in extreme conditions and they must guarantee the functionality of our customers’ equipment even in difficult environments.
Innovation is pronounced in the understanding of our customers’ need and in strong technical know-how. It means also the courage to try new things and the courage to fail.
Agility is focusing on the essential and understanding our customers’ schedules. Agile Epec makes swift decisions and reacts effectively to changing market conditions.
Passion for us means cooperation, as well as encouraging and inspiring one another. It means visualizing a common goal and engaging in reaching it.
At this point, the values had been recognized and named, but we also needed pictures, which would relay the meanings. Pictures, that would reflect Epec: us as people and our way of rocking the business. The visual depiction for our values was executed by Epec’s own System Specialist Mika Heiskanen. The task was not easy, but the result is genuinely Epec. Our value boards have now been revealed and are placed prominently in our cafeteria to remind us of our roots and the characteristics which we must value and maintain to ensure the success of our customers.
-Your challenge, our inspiration-