
One of Ponsse’s key strengths in global competition is and has always been agile and effective decision making when it’s needed the most. Ponsse Plc and it’s 100% owned technology affiliate Epec Oy concluded in early September 2017 that a new R&D site closer to academia and universities is needed to meet the ever growing demand of automation and software professionals. Digitalization and automation of intelligent mobile work machinery is simply pushing us and other OEM’s to the limits in these capabilities. This conclusion was the beginning of a great journey and the success story that Ponsse and Epec R&D started together last autumn.

In less than two months, in the beginning of November we had office premises all set up at Tampere University of Technology – and on the 6th floor of its Kampusareena building.  So this is the place where our group level R&D unit is located.  Within a few days we installed the illuminated company logos on the Kampusareena fascia and launched our info and recruitment event at the campus. At the same time we had job openings in various medias, social and more traditional ones and a lot of discussion going on. The entrée to the campus at the event was really done the Ponsse way with a PONSSE ScorpionKing harvester parked at the heart of the campus and accompanied by a live logger’s campfire with some food and coffee being served, and of course a nice number of interested visitors as well as actual future Ponsse and Epec employees! This was where the real discussions started – Ponsse and Epec had now landed in Tampere.

The info and recruitment event turned out to be an excellent kick-off and soon we found ourselves in the middle of a busy HR process. Now, as I’m writing this blog text we already have a headcount of over ten R&D professionals in our new office and there are more to follow soon. I am glad to confirm that the decisions taken seem to be successful and our new location right in the middle of a campus of future skills is no less than excellent. Co-operation with university’s research teams and laboratories could not be easier and there’s no way to avoid having lively discussions with professors, researchers, scientists and of course students on a daily basis – which is thrilling!

Welcome to visit our joint Ponsse & Epec R&D office in Korkeakoulunkatu 7, Kampusareena 6th floor, Tampere!



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