
A couple of months ago Epec hosted a round table meeting with local companies’ IT specialists and decision makers. I was surprised to notice that other companies working in different industries are facing similar challenges as we are here at Epec. People want to use software and tools they are accustomed to in their personal life, like Whatsapp, Dropbox, etc. IT departments are concerned about how to keep things together and keep the data uncompromised.

Epec is a company that wants to think differently. We want our employees to be creative, self-regulated and motivated. One of the IT team’s biggest challenges is to support that trend. That means providing the right tools, effective support, but also the right amount of governance. Our users should be able to operate effectively and securely. For example, Microsoft O365 brings great tools especially for collaboration, but sometimes it is challenging to keep up the pace with new available tools. Luckily, in our organization it is not difficult to get people to try and test new technologies.

These days you cannot highlight security enough. Security threats are more concrete and could become costly for companies. For example, ransomware damage costs has exceeded one billion dollars last year worldwide. Companies, schools and communities were affected by ransomware causing downtime and loss of data. We at Epec want to make sure, that our data remains intact. That requires good technical solutions, but most of all a high level of security awareness in our daily processes.

There is a lot going on in IT, as it has been during the 15 years I have been working in this industry. Luckily I have small, but efficient team of talented and motivated IT professionals who are dedicated to do their part on our way to success.

~Powered by passion, inspired by automation since 1978~


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