New hardware versions have improved analog input overcurrent protection feature. The protection feature is now implemented using a combination of hardware and software protection whereas the previous 5050 products have solely hardware protection. This gives more flexibility for using the analog inputs. The software protection feature is implemented as a CODESYS application library and automatically included to the code template generated by Epec MultiTool to make it convenient for application developers to use it.
CODESYS 3.5 offers some unique benefits for application development compared to CODESYS 2.3, such as new modern and improved editor and possibility to extend the functionality of CODESYS Development System by installing additional new features such as Static code analysis, Test manager and UML support.
CODESYS 3.5 programmable 5050 temporarily supports only CAN interface for software downloading and debugging, Ethernet will be available in future 5050 CODESYS 3.5 Runtime releases. However, 5050 CODESYS 3.5 version supports SDO block transfer for CODESYS IDE communication. Block transfer speeds up the software download in development phase compared to traditional SDO communication.
Both new 5050 hardware versions are available as CODESYS 2.3 and CODESYS 3.5 programmable. Please notice that it’s not possible to download CODESYS 3.5 Runtime to products delivered as CODESYS 2.3 programmable or vice versa.
New products are available with the following product codes:
E30B5050-02 4MB RAM. CODESYS 2.3 programmable
E30B5050-82 8MB RAM. CODESYS 2.3 programmable
E30D5050-02 4MB RAM. CODESYS 3.5 programmable
E30D5050-82 8MB RAM. CODESYS 3.5 programmable
Release date 3.7. Delivery time is normal 6 – 8 weeks from the order.