
Piia began her career at Epec in 2006 with the practical training of her engineering studies at SeAmk. Because she studied software engineering, her first stop was at the Engineering team, where she worked with Sandvik projects. Her second stop was with the R&D team, where she completed her thesis about Codesys 2.3 visualization, after which she moved back to the Engineering team. Her journey with her current team, the Customer Support, started nine years ago. Because the work is very diverse and exciting, she enjoys it a lot. As a social person Piia likes the balancing of both long-term customer cases and the sudden, daily questions that need quick answers. Creating training material also fills a part of her busy schedule. At the moment Piia works with the Safety Unit training and during March she conducts also ISOBUS training for customers.

As Piia reflects on her greatest accomplishments during her Epec career, she brings up the growth in her professional self-esteem over the years. The gained experience has given her confidence and made her trust her own know-how. Visiting customers is always memorable and interesting, especially when she gets to see the machines in action or test them herself. On top of that, the positive feedback and genuine thanks from customers always warm her heart – especially when a certain agent gives his thanks by singing “I love you” over the phone.

Piia gushes about the importance of her awesome co-workers, as they play a huge part in how happy she is at her work. In the Support team there is a great sense of community: working there is cheerful and the team members always encourage each other. In addition to being excellent at what they do, the Epec people have, according to Piia, just the right amount of crazy, making the work days fun and full of humor. In addition, cooperation within the company is very smooth and she feels people always find help when they need it. Help arrives fast also when the need is the greatest: at the customer interface. Piia remembers a case where she was in the Netherlands at an ISOBUS event. The ISOBUS library wasn’t working correctly, but after she asked Juha Horttana for help, it took only half an hour for her to receive a new library version and things started working perfectly.

Currently, studying new things and products (e.g. ISOBUS and the Safety Control Unit) provides Piia with positive challenges in her work. In her current work as a Product Support Engineer, she gets to be one of the first people to learn about Epec’s new products, as well as to participate in product development, providing information about the customer perspective. Piia always strives to serve customers as well as possible, taking their views forward within Epec. She likes cooperating with the Product Development teams, which also motivates her very much. On top of that, she enjoys lengthy and challenging cases – researching and solving problems together with the Product Development offer the best possible learning experiences.

In her free time you won’t catch Piia in front of computer. Instead she’ll be outside engaging in her various hobbies. Training with her dog takes up a big part of her free time with agility training as well as search and rescue training. Piia also likes to ski and dive, whereas reading provides her a nice way of relaxing.


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