
Mari noticed an interesting job announcement in the newspaper Ilkka and realized the job was perfect for her. The job description was interesting, and the company seemed intriguing as well. Also the fact that this job would be located much closer to home than the one she then worked at, was a very nice bonus.

Mari has worked as an office assistant from the beginning, but during her time at Epec the job description has evolved quite a bit. First the job included serving coffee to the customers and taking care of the cafeteria buffet as well as the travelling arrangements. Nowadays the job consists of many tasks relating to personnel satisfaction as she works in the HR and enterprise resource planning team. Her newest task is project billing, allowing her to learn new skills also outside her everyday responsibilities.

Mari graduated in 2004 with a degree in hospitality management in the tourism industry. After graduating she worked in an immersion school in Pietarsaari, where she instructed the Swedish speaking children in Finnish. When Mari moved back to Seinäjoki, she worked at Kuortane Olympic Training Centre, first in the reception and later in the accounts receivable.

Mari’s daily routines include answering the phone and booking travels. Additionally, her days include various orders, tenders and inquiries as well as acting as a middle man in many circumstances. Basically, if you are unsure how something should be done, better call Mari. At the moment, the most time-consuming tasks are the Finnair compensation applications, which are often laborious and require bureaucratic procedures, appointment news to the Ponsse Bulletins and the arrangements for evening evens.

Mari’s work poses challenges in handling many different situations, juggling all the tasks simultaneously and getting them done carefully and in time. It’s the most rewarding feeling, when a particularly difficult task is finally completed, and she gets to see the big picture of how her work helps others do theirs. For Mari, the most valuable skill has been the confidence she has gained on the job. With that confidence, it’s easier to divide a task into smaller pieces and to follow a schedule, no matter how difficult a task she faces. Her goal is to always do her best and do things thoroughly without fussing.

As Mari thinks of memorable or funny events, she notes that in her job she has seen all types of incidents and mishaps but also fun things. She encounters various challenges daily, many of which require some sort of arranging and while sorting these tasks out, amusement is sometimes inevitable. Office parties, she points out, also generate all kinds of funny stories, which she discreetly chooses not to elaborate on. 😉

As the most memorable moment in her time at Epec Mari names the Rohkea Challenge, a race she participated in together with other Epec employees. She got to experience the real Epec Spirit – not giving up, helping others out and working together towards the finish line. Mari also brings up organizing the Epec 40-year-celebration, which required a lot of effort from many people. The project was a challenging one, but the end result was awesome!

Mari has enjoyed working at Epec. For her the best things here are the fantastic co-workers and the great atmosphere. On top of that, the fascinating and diverse work, which guarantees that no days are alike, keeps the job interesting.

Her freetime is spent with the family. Mari exercises regularly, jogging with the family dog, as well as by going to the gym. Her current aim is to find the joy of reading again and learning to relax with a good book.


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