Quality & know-how from Epec
Dometal started co-operating with Epec in 2018 in order to develop the Multiva SeedPilot using Epec’s 3724 control unit and ISOBUS toolchain.
– For us it was important that Epec provided the quality and know-how on ISOBUS. Their libraries are of high-quality, we don’t have to memorize the CAN messages and it was easy to get the product AEF certified, says Vesa Mäkelä, R&D Director and partner at Dometal.
– Epec’s toolchain for ISOBUS solution is comprehensive and the tools are simple to use, making the programming easy for us. It was straightforward to create a user-friendly interface and software for the end-user, continues Mäkelä.
– Epec’s solution also supports advanced ISOBUS functionalities that enable many advantages for our end users such as controlling the seeder with predetermined tasks as well as controlling it, for example, with pre-made fertilization maps with the help of GPS (using TC-GEO and TC-BAS).
Power in co-operation
– The technical support that Epec provides is important for us; we always get help when we need it and we are never left hanging, says Mäkelä.
– We also feel that the co-operation has been very flexible, all the necessary matters have been taken into consideration on both sides.

– Vesa Mäkelä, R&D Director and Partner at Dometal