Epec MultiTool Simulator, state-of-the-art virtual testing environment for Epec control systems – Epec MultiTool Simulator模拟器,最先进的Epec控制系统虚拟测试环境
Accelerate testing with the industry’s most advanced virtual test environment! With MultiTool Simulator and the virtual copies of Epec control units, machine manufacturers can start machine application development and testing before they have the actual control unit in hands.
用业界最先进的虚拟测试环境来加速您的测试!借助Epec MultiTool Simulator模拟器和控制单元虚拟副本,机器制造商可以在购入实际控制单元之前,就提前开始机器应用程序的开发和测试。
MultiTool Simulator is a virtual testing environment to speed up the machine application development process. MTS accelerates the control system SW design significantly by utilizing virtual versions of the actual control system hardware products enabling machine application development and testing to be run in a virtual simulation environment. With MultiTool Simulator, tests can be automated and run without a physical test set-up, with multiple developers using the same simulated system.
MultiTool Simulator模拟器是一个虚拟测试环境,可加快机器应用程序的开发过程。MTS通过利用实际控制系统硬件产品的虚拟版本,在虚拟环境中运行机器应用程序的开发和测试,从而大大加速了控制系统软件的设计。借助MultiTool Simulator模拟器,测试可以在没有实际物理测试装置的情况下自动化运行,且多个开发人员可使用同一模拟系统。
Virtual control units enable machine application development and testing to be run in a virtual simulation environment. Tests can be automated and run without a physical test set-up. – 虚拟控制单元支持在虚拟模拟环境中开发和测试机器应用程序。无需实质的测试装置,即可自动化运行测试。
- Less / no hardware simulators – 较少/无需硬件simulators
- Less development testing on the actual machine – 减少在实际机器上的开发测试
- Start the development earlier without the actual HW – 在没有实际硬件的情况下,可以提前开始软件开发
- Multiple developers can use the same simulated system – 同一模拟系统支持多个开发人员使用
- Seamlessly combine virtual and actual control units – 虚拟控制单元和实际控制单元无缝结合
- Software-in-the-loop (SIL) environment – 软件在环(SIL)仿真环境
- Python API for automated testing – Python API自动化测试
- Qt, Robot Framework and similar are supported – 支持Qt、Robot Framework等类似框架
Seamless integration with other Epec software development tools offer efficient project execution and great user experience. – 与其他Epec软件开发工具无缝集成,为您提供高效的项目执行与良好的用户体验。
开始您的SIMULATOR MULTITOOL模拟器30天免费试用体验,或直接申请购买使用许可::
- Download the MultiTool SImulator from Epec Extranet (30 day free trial). For Extranet credentials, contact – 从Epec Extranet下载MultiTool Simulator模拟器(30天免费试用)。如需Extranet验证信息,请联系
- Purchase the fixed or floating license by filling out the request form. – 如需购买固定或浮动许可证,请填写申请表。
Additional application development tools - 其他应用程序开发工具
Epec has developed a set of helpful software development tools to make control system application development easy, fast and error-proof:
- MultiTool Creator – Configuration tool for Epec units / MultiTool Creator开发程序–Epec单元配置工具
- MultiTool Simulator – Virtual testing environment for Epec control systems / MultiTool Simulator模拟器–Epec控制系统虚拟测试环境
- MultiTool Diagnoser – Diagnostics tool for Epec units / MultiTool Diagnoser诊断程序–Epec单元诊断工具
- Epec Libraries – Ready to use programming blocks / Epec库-即用型程序块
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